Microadventures: The What, How and Why

The What

Microadventures are short bursts of travel closer to home, inspiring followers to pitch a tent in nearby woods, explore their city by moonlight, or hold a family slumber party in the backyard. Microadventures are easy to design, deliver and manage. Microadventures also lets the participants enjoy the experience and pick up various physiological and social skills along the way. 

Microadventures can be anything from a quick dash to the nearest Loch (Lake to the English), a quick cycling section or a tandem skydive(if you are an adrenaline seeking person). The point is it’s easy to plan and requires low resources(in terms of time, budget, resources, etc). Microadventures can happen on a weeknight in between work and still give you all the benefits of shaking up your routine, getting fresh air, and moving your body. Microadventures being what they are can also help inculcate outdoor as a regular lifestyle activity rather than something that you do on a vacation.

The How

All you need for a microadventure is the willingness to step out and do something different.  Eminent adventurer Alastair Humphries who is a keen adventurer and explorer offers a few guidelines on how to plan your microadventures. There are only a few considerations to be taken into account, where you are and what you would really want to do on a microadventure. We would also suggest looking at some of our past programs for inspiration for your microadventures. 

Some simple ideas for planning your microadventures can include chasing the dawn (enjoying the glorious sunrise from the nearest summit), studying the stars(camping the night under the clear skies), or just hitting the nearest trail. Leaving your car at home can also turn out to be a microadventure, think walking, biking, skating or anything else for your daily commute which can be an excellent starting point to get you hooked into microadventures.

The Why

Microadventures as the name suggests is an encapsulated version of long adventure trips. Essentially microadventure is a short adventure that helps its participants enjoy nature and explore their surroundings. The fact that it’s comparatively easier to plan and execute is the icing on the cake. The shorter nature of the plan also means a lower budget and a lower constraint on the time required to plan and go on an adventure. You can also watch a quick snip from Alastair Humphries on Microadventures and its advantages here

Equal adventure as an organisation has been in pursuit to make outdoors accessible to all over the past 30 years, feel free to browse through some of the past adventures EA has been successful to deliver. We have had participants coming back to us with a keen eye to step out again.

To know more about planning an outdoor event or to know how to make it inclusive feel free to reach out to our team at Equal Adventures.

Now lets move from reading about microadventures to stepping out into one, Lets Go!!!!!

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