Delivering family-centered inclusive adventure, activities journeys and expeditions with disabled people and non disabled peole.

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Outdoors and Expeditions

Equal Adventure provides both inclusive outdoor programmes and expeditions. We have a wide range of activities for you to choose from.

Equal Adventure outdoor and expedition programs are designed to enable transformational change for participants to change the way that they think, and rise above day-to-day challenges to build active lifestyles in a sustainable, restorative and inclusive manner.

We deliver of programmes that enable disabled people with complex needs, their families, carers and advocates to undertake a wide range of activities:

Our targeted programmes are designed to support:

  • Individuals with Disabilities and their Families
  • Disability Organisations
  • Schools and Universities
  • Commissioned Services
  • Inclusive Expeditions and DofE.

With the accumulated experience of many of Britain’s most experienced inclusive Adventure Coaches, Guides and academics Equal Adventure brings you a range of opportunities to experience the magnificent Scottish Highlands, either as individual / family explorer or as a future leader or guide.

Since 1995 Equal Adventure has designed and delivered solutions and programmes for people of all abilities to be involved in adventurous sports. We encourage you to get involved in one of our Expedition programs to take up the challenge, grow your adventurous capacity and contribute to knowledge and conservation for all.

Our Journeys and Programmes
Equal Adventure Open Explorer Journeys AND Expeditions
Equal Adventure Inclusive ‘IN Genius’ Journeys AND Expeditions
Equal Adventure Health and Wellbing Programme
Equal Adventure Inclusive Community Projects
Equal Adventure Mentor Programme for Adventure Coaches and Guides

Equal Adventure has a set of adventure stories for you to read; find out below who else we’ve helped and how they’ve benefited from our support.